Because he loves Me…

Apr 30, 2022 | - MY BLOG

Because he loves Me…
In Psalm 91 we have some promises from the Lord.
Because he has set his love upon me, [says the Lord]
a) therefore will I deliver him (escape → Strong’s code 6403):
b) I will set him on high (Strong’s code 7682), because he hath known my name.
c) He shall call upon me, and I will answer him;
d) I will be with him in trouble;
e) I will deliver him (save / release from trouble – Strong’s code 2502)
f) and honour him.
g) With long life will I satisfy him
h)and show him my salvation. (NKJV)
Jesus said that all the law and the prophets hang on two commandments, the first and great of which is to love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. (Matthew 22.37-40) For someone who reads this verse with his understanding, it all boils down to “WE MUST LOVE GOD.” And according to Psalm 91 (v. 14-16) he understands that he has something to gain if he loves HIM. The reality is that we can do nothing by our own strength. One person cannot love another on command. Love is an uplifting feeling, something that is born in our hearts, develops and cultivates.
And yet for the born again things are different. By being born again, we come to know God’s love for us. The love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us. (Romans 5.5) But God demonstrates his own love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5.8-NKJV) In time, as we live our life with Him, we begin to experience this love, which He will manifest in our life.
As for me, I said YES to the Lord 33 years ago. In the early years I was very passionate about Him. I was devouring Christian books, I was writing songs (lyrics and melody), then I was singing them with my voice and playing guitar. Over time, the problems of daily life began to assail me: marriage, children, job, studies… The years passed, the children grew up. Every Sunday we all went to the assembly (church) because all my life I wanted to be an example for my children. A good routine had settled in my life. Until one day, many years later, when I read again what the Lord had said to the angel of the church of Ephesus (Revelation 2.4). The Holy Spirit pointed out to me that I no longer had the first love. I felt this as a great unfulfillment, as emptiness in my heart. I wanted her to come back.
And then I started to pray. I asked the Holy Spirit to pour this love into my heart. By my own strength, I can do nothing, but He can do anything. (Zechariah 4.6) I asked him to turn my heart into a burning bush of longing, love, and passion for the Bridegroom Jesus (Matthew 25.6, 10). Since then, my life has never been the same. After that prayer to the Lord, I began to read the Word more, to spend more time with the Lord in prayer, to worship Him more. I asked for thirst and hunger for Him, for His presence, for His Word, for righteousness. I asked Him to help me love Him with the love He is worthy of. Several years have passed since then.
I have the same desire today, but more burning. Holy Spirit filled my heart with love and passion for Jesus. My life has been turned into a song of glory. My thirst and hunger for Him allowed me to know Him more deeply, as He is revealed in His Word (Psalm 42.1-2). HE floods me with His love, my heart responds to that love… by loving Him. (We love Him, because He first loved us -1 John 4.19) Holy Spirit has turned my heart into a volcano of love. I am constantly thirsty and hungry for Him. I want to breathe His presence (Psalm 63.1). When I come to the secret place, I want to overwhelm Him with my love, to flood Him with the fragrance of the love I bear Him.
I don’t necessarily love the Lord for what He has done in my life. Yes, he did extraordinary things… I love the Lord for what He is, for the wonderful person He is. The more time I spend with Him, the more He reveals Himself to me. The deeper I penetrate into His heart, the more my love for Him grows and my heart fills with adoration, and the mouth with declarations of love (Psalm 45.1-2).
When the hour of trial came in my life, when the chain of distress wanted to suffocate me, I cried out to Him, and the answer came: “Because he loves Me…”Would I have loved Him less if He had not answered my cry, or if He had answered differently than I expected? Certainly not. (Daniel 3.17-18) No one and nothing can separate me from His love (Romans 8.35-39), for the Lord has graven me in His heart (Song of Songs 8.6).
To whom does Psalm 91 speak, and to whom is the promise of protection made? To him who
dwells in the secret place (shelter) of the Most High. If one dwells…, the result will be that he shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. The word “shelter” (cether) בְּסֵ֣תֶר (bə·sê·ṯer) = secret place, secluded place, refuge (Strong’s code 5643)
The key is the secret place. Not only do you know the Lord and HE knows you, but there is an intimacy between you and Him. This intimacy, this precious time spent in His presence will become your delight (Psalm 119.24). I’m not talking here about salvation – this marked the beginning of the relationship – but about a deep love between Jesus and you (the Bible calls you his bride). Worship becomes a permanent state, a manner to live, as you become more and more aware of His presence in every moment of your life.

The themes