The Holy Spirit, my friend

Jun 3, 2021 | -BIBLICAL THEMES

In this article, I’m going to tell you about my best friend, the Holy Spirit. This subject is very important. Understanding the Holy Spirit, who He is, how He works, His manifestations, how to live with Him, is vital, because your spiritual life depends on it.

It is He who strengthens me, who comforts me and who instructs me. I come straight to the source. He reminds me of the teachings 

of Jesus. He is accessible at all times. He is with me, in me and upon me. He doesn’t judge me. It is He who has started a work in me and who will perform it (Philippians 1.6). I must abide in Him (1 John 2.27).

The Holy Spirit is a person with a specific name: Holy Spirit. Regularly we pray to the Father, in the name of Jesus, by the Holy Spirit and therefore we involve the whole trinity. Even if we confuse the three persons, I am sure that the prayer is answered anyway, because the three represent one God. But I understood that the person who is with me, beside me and in me is the Holy Spirit and HE likes to be called by name. As I listened to sermons and read books, I understood that every believer who received this revelation has experienced a great revival in his spiritual life. I am also a living proof of this truth, because from that moment my spiritual life has been propelled.

Why is HE my friend? Because I discovered in Him the friend who never disappoints me. In Him I have everything I need. I discovered an unconditional love, which drew my heart to Him and engraved it on His. The Lord has blessed us with loved ones around us; but the human being is limited, he can change, he can disappoint you in your expectations that you have from him… My fulfillment is not in those around me; my expectations are not fulfilled or satisfied in or by them, but by God, in God.

The Holy Spirit is my faithful friend. He comforts me when I’m sad. I come into His presence, I tell Him the things that bother me, my worries even if I exaggerate, even if I am not always right (Psalm 119: 26). It is He who turns my doubts into certainties and sadness into joy, my weaknesses into strength, for I come into His presence and it is only in His presence that I find the solutions to my problems. HE is the quintessence, HE is everything to me, I love Him and I tell Him this, a million times a day if I could. I trust His love for me, because HE does not judge me. I am aware that there are situations in my life where I do not react according to HIS expectations, but for that I ask the Father for forgiveness and I ask Him to lead me, to correct me, to guide me on the right path. I empty my heart in front of Him and HE empties his heart in his turn… his heart with his feelings (what He loves and what He does not love), his passion for lost souls, his holiness, and his standards of righteousness.

The more time I spend with Him, the more I resemble Jesus, whose portrait the Holy Spirit engraves in my heart. I declare my love to Him, that I love Him, that I adore Him, that I desire His presence more than anything, because His presence is more precious to me than all the riches in the world. Every day the fire of my love for Him is burning more and more. He shapes me, transforms me according to the Father’s desires, He imprints the beauty of Jesus in me and weaves the character of the divinity within me. I am decreasing and it is Jesus who is growing in me. How does HE speak to me? In different ways and especially through His Word.

When I look at the flowers planted in my garden, each with its respective colors and shapes, I feel drawn  to contemplate His beauty and the tenderness of His heart, for only a tender and gentle person could have put such variety (infinite shapes and colors) in the grass of the field which today is present there and tomorrow withers. Yes, I am dazzled by the beauty of His personality, I remain in awe of contemplating His greatness and His goodness … and I marvel how I fall in love with Him more and more every day. I am not talking here about the fact that we are children of God and that we have salvation … (this is already implied), I am talking about a friendship, a stronger bond (passion between Jesus and His bride, the flame of this love). Yet I don’t forget that the same tender God is at once holy and just in HIS ways, that He is a consuming fire for those who do not turn away from evil( Deuteronomy 4.24).


My life is a continuous prayer and worship. I pray in the Holy Spirit (with tongues) (Jude 1.20) when I drive the car, when I do gardening, when I clean or when I cook, when I shop, so almost all the time … It’s a manner of life. I fall asleep praying with tongues and my spirit remains in worship … This is why the apostle Paul said he was speaking with tongues more than others … (1 Corinthians 14.18)

To remain continually in His presence which surrounds me at every moment, to worship Him continually … There is a time when prayer is a request (for certain needs), but for me most of the time, prayer is to worship Him, to declare my love to him, is to tell him that I love him for who he is, for the wonderful person he is (not just for what he has done in my life). In the Gospels, we speak of John, “the disciple whom Jesus loved” (John 19.26, John 20.2, John 21.7). John was the only one who leaned on Jesus’ breast during supper (John 13.23,25 John 21.20). In fact, Jesus loved them all. What was different was the expression of that love, how Jesus expressed His love for them. Finally, it was only to John that Jesus revealed the vision of Revelation. John was the only one who listened to the heart of Jesus, who made his heart beat to the rhythm of Jesus’ heart.

Developing a relationship with the Holy Spirit is a learning process. I pray that He will explain to me things of God’s Word and He answers my prayers by giving me the desired explanation. And each time I am amazed at the varied way HE uses to answer me.

Be blessed abundantly! Live the life that was meant for you, that of glory to glory and victory to victory.


After reading this article, I can recommend:

– reading the book ” Good Morning, Holy Spirit” by Benny Hinn

Audrey Mack on the “EMCI TV” channel, all the sermons on the baptism of the Holy Spirit

– all the other programs on this channel concerning the Holy Spirit

– Michael Lebeau “The Holy Spirit my friend” in french «Le Saint-Esprit mon ami», “The presence of God”,in french «La présence de Dieu», etc.


February 17, 2020