Words of encouragement

Jun 3, 2021 | - MY BLOG


(the beginning of COVID)

In this time of trial, when we are physically separated, the Lord put on my heart to write a few words of encouragement. These are words that you all know, but this will keep us united in the Spirit. You will recognize them, because they are the subjects of the prayers you have already ascended to the throne of grace.

The Church of Jesus is called to stand in the gap and intercede for others. Each of us should remain in prayer and humble himself before the Father. (Ezekiel 23.30, Isaiah 6.5)

I used the pronoun “I” because it is easier for the spelling standards, but each of us will pray as the Spirit inspires him.  

Heavenly Father, I stand before your throne. Purify me with the live coal of the purifying fire of your Holy Spirit; purify my words, my thoughts, my feelings and my emotions. Deliver me from all pride. Forgive my sins. Forgive all my iniquities. I kneel before you and I kneel my heart. Receive my prayer.

I pray, Father, for us and for our friends, our brothers and sisters in the faith… Father, in the name of Jesus I ask for your divine protection over us all. I ask for the protection of the blood of Jesus on each of us. As in Egypt, I proclaim that the angel of death does not approach our homes.

The Word says: if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them (Mark 16.17) and that greater is he that is in us, than he that is in the world. (1 John 4.4) If someone is touched by a deadly thing (or virus), I declare that the precious blood of Jesus is stronger than that drink (virus). The power of Christ’s resurrection acts at every moment in our body, soul, and spirit, and that power, the Spirit of life, swallows up the spirit of death. It is the DNA of the Heavenly Father that circulates in our veins. It is the Spirit of life (Romans 8.2) that regenerates us and renews our youth like the eagle’s (Psalm 103.5).

Father, I pray for the Church … for this beautiful resplendent Church that the Son has won with his blood, with his life. This Church which is His passion… I pray for the Church on all the earth that she will be strengthened in this time of distress, that the spirit of fear does not seize her, that the supernatural peace of God, which passes all understanding, fills his heart … (Philippians 4.7) I ask divine protection for each of them, from the baby to the eldest, that all remain firm/ steadfast in the faith, in your promises, that their feet do not waver (Psalm 125.1) and may their faith not fail. (Luke 22.31-32) In this time when we lose control of the boat because of the roaring waves (Psalm 46.1-3), when everything that seemed stable in our life is shaken, when the whole world system could collapse, I ask, Father, may your church remain in peace with His Master in the boat, trusting in You and relying on Your promises. Jesus is everything; he is the quintessence, the answer to any doubt and any question. He is above countries and governments, above hate and pride, above science and all human thinking, above philosophies and change.I ask you to intervene with your strong arm and that you protect it from evil because you love your church, it is your treasure. (Isaiah 43.4, Malachi 3.17)

I pray for your church all over the earth that it will rise up in your name to manifest the power and authority which the lion of the tribe of Judah has given it.

May she stand in the gap to intercede for the salvation of souls. May she be a source of stability for the nations, the one who holds the Answer, the light that shines in the darkness, showing them the way to Life.

I pray that You will turn this misfortune into an opportunity for lost souls to come back to You; that your Spirit convict them in respect of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment (John 16.8-9)Because You love the people (Deuteronomy 33.3), I pray that You extend the protection of your mantle of love over the nations so that they are protected from this attack; I also ask your favor towards those who are already affected by this virus, that they may not perish, but be healed.

I pray for the authorities, that You inspire them in making decisions, that the proposed measures ensure rapid mobilization for the protection of people, that the panic be dispersed and that You provide for everyone’s needs. I ask for divine inspiration for researchers to find a vaccine against this virus as soon as possible.

Father, I join your church, this army of “more than conquerors” (Romans 8.37) and I raise my hand against this virus, ordering its spread to stop in the name of Jesus; that this destructive power bow before the name of Jesus; let her lower her head the same way she dared to raise it and return helpless from where she was sent.

I prophesy a great damage to the kingdom of darkness, that the plans of the enemy will be thwarted, that the multitudes will be delivered from this power and transferred into the kingdom of the Son of your love. (Colossians 1.13)


Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen. (Ephesians 3.20-21)


March 20, 2020


The themes