About me

I am one voice among thousands of others who will tell you about God. He has made His heart accessible, ready to be explored by those who long for it. People turn their backs on Him because they do not know Him. His arms are always open to us… He is eager to overwhelm us with his unconditional and immeasurable love.



My name is IULIA. I am a mother of three young adults. In addition, for over a year, me and my husband have experienced the joy of being  grandparents.

My encounter with Jesus took place over 32 years ago. The decision to follow Him was the best I have ever made. Since then, my life has become an adventure. It is He who gives taste, fragrance, color and light to my life. His sweet presence, so real for me, which floods me like a torrent of love, is my most precious thing, my wealth and my treasure.

I am one voice among thousands of others who will tell you about God. He has made His heart accessible, ready to be explored by those who long for it. People turn their backs on Him because they do not know Him.

His arms are always open to us… He is eager to overwhelm us with his unconditional and immeasurable love.

Our faith confession

It is written in the Bible:


that there is one God manifested in three different persons: that of the Father, that of the Son and that of the Holy Spirit.


that the Bible is the inspired word of God, the Creator of all things


that man was originally created without sin, that he was tempted by Satan; because of his fall, all of humanity was condemned to be separated from God.


that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who died on the cross to pay the price for our sins, so that human beings are no longer separated from God.


that in order to accomplish the work of redemption, Jesus Christ became man, conceived by the Holy Spirit, that he was born of the virgin Mary and lived a life without sin.


that his teaching and his miracles are genuine.


Because “the wages of sin is death,” Jesus took away all our sins and, out of love for us, gave His life by dying on the cross in our place so that our sins may be forgiven and we may have eternal life.


That Jesus has risen bodily and is seated at the right hand of the Father as our mediator and our advocate.


that the human being is saved by faith in the work of Christ on the cross, which is complete and sufficient. This faith must always be accompanied by genuine repentance. Our justification is only by grace.


that the Church is the body of Jesus Christ, made up of true believers who respect and honor his authority. This Church, led by the Holy Spirit, transcends the boundaries of denominations, languages ​​or cultures.


that Jesus will return with all of his redeemed to establish his glorious kingdom.