Words of encouragement

Words of encouragement

WORDS OF ENCOURAGEMENT (the beginning of COVID) In this time of trial, when we are physically separated, the Lord put on my heart to write a few words of encouragement. These are words that you all know, but this will keep us united in the Spirit. You will recognize...
The exchange at the cross

The exchange at the cross

A divinely ordered exchange took place on the cross. All the evil intended for us was put on Jesus so that all the good intended for Jesus would be given to us who believe. God set up this exchange by His grace. Jesus was punished so that we would be forgiven. (Isaiah...
The Holy Spirit, my friend

The Holy Spirit, my friend

In this article, I’m going to tell you about my best friend, the Holy Spirit. This subject is very important. Understanding the Holy Spirit, who He is, how He works, His manifestations, how to live with Him, is vital, because your spiritual life depends on it....
Prayer to know Jesus

Prayer to know Jesus

Jesus, I believe that you are the son of God and the only way to God. I believe you diedon the cross for my sins and I believe you rose from the dead. I thank you for whatyou have done for me and by faith I am receiving it all now.Jesus, I make the decision today to...