JESUS What He Says About Himself -I am from above. I am not of this world. (John 8.23, John 17.14 John 17.16) -I am the Son of God. (Matthew 27.43, John 10.36) -I and the Father are one (John 10.30) -The Father is in me and I am in the Father. (John 10.38, John 14.10,...
Because he loves Me…

Because he loves Me…

Because he loves Me…In Psalm 91 we have some promises from the Lord.Because he has set his love upon me, [says the Lord]a) therefore will I deliver him (escape → Strong’s code 6403):b) I will set him on high (Strong’s code 7682), because he hath known my name.c) He...
Jewish Priests Ready to Prepare For Third Temple

Jewish Priests Ready to Prepare For Third Temple

Jewish Priests, Biblical Status Confirmed By DNA, Ready To prepare For Third TempleRabbi Yaakov Kleiman has been co-director of the Kohanim Center in Jerusalem since 1995 and author of a book on priestly DNA evidence. He turned to genetics to restore the priesthood...
Owning his heritage

Owning his heritage

Owning His Heritage Joshua 14.6-15 Caleb was one of the twelve spies sent to Canaan. God had already promised them the land, and Moses sent spies who should have confirmed what God had said, that this place flowed with milk and honey. Ten of them confirmed the wealth...
The blood of Jesus

The blood of Jesus

Sin entered into the world through one man, Adam. Death came through sin. Death passed unto all men, for that all sinned. (Romans 5.12 and Romans 3.23) The wages of sin is death (Romans 6.23). We all should have died. In his love, the Lord has found the solution to...