Because he loves Me…

Because he loves Me…

Because he loves Me…In Psalm 91 we have some promises from the Lord.Because he has set his love upon me, [says the Lord]a) therefore will I deliver him (escape → Strong’s code 6403):b) I will set him on high (Strong’s code 7682), because he hath known my name.c) He...
Owning his heritage

Owning his heritage

Owning His Heritage Joshua 14.6-15 Caleb was one of the twelve spies sent to Canaan. God had already promised them the land, and Moses sent spies who should have confirmed what God had said, that this place flowed with milk and honey. Ten of them confirmed the wealth...
Words of encouragement

Words of encouragement

WORDS OF ENCOURAGEMENT (the beginning of COVID) In this time of trial, when we are physically separated, the Lord put on my heart to write a few words of encouragement. These are words that you all know, but this will keep us united in the Spirit. You will recognize...
Prayer to know Jesus

Prayer to know Jesus

Jesus, I believe that you are the son of God and the only way to God. I believe you diedon the cross for my sins and I believe you rose from the dead. I thank you for whatyou have done for me and by faith I am receiving it all now.Jesus, I make the decision today to...
Do not give up the fight

Do not give up the fight

On the day of the crucifixion, Jesus was feeling at the end of his strength. Every whiplash tore off pieces of his flesh. I THINK he was able to withstand the pain and each blow by telling himself that he was doing it out of love for us. A whiplash received….....
Thirsty for his righteousness

Thirsty for his righteousness

Numbers 16 et 17 The Bible tells us about two revolts by which the authority of Moses and Aaron was challenged before the people. The first organized by Korah, Dathan and Abiram who were accompanied by two hundred and fifty men of the children of Israel. They...